Have you ever had a day when your heart ached? I’m not referring to those gray and gloomy days. I’m talking about the days when crawling into a ball and weeping sounds more inviting than a day on the beach. The moments seem to invade us quickly, with little warning, like a thunderstorm in July.
What was said? What did we see? What did we think we heard to tailspin us into an emotional roller coaster? Maybe we are overreacting. Maybe it’s just hormones, but what if it’s not? What if, in this moment of emotion, we’re living a lie as though it were truth?
Most people don’t consciously choose to live a lie. Rather, a thought or action is reinforced so often that we are held captive into accepting its reality. It’s called brainwash, and the Devil is a master at it. The Bible tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corn. 11:14). What he screams at us looks like truth and sounds like truth, given the evidence of what is all around us, but it is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Friends, the enemy provides you with nothing but a counterfeit. You can only spend his money in his house, and he is the Father of lies.
In the midst of my emotional ride on the Demon Drop, I ask God to tell me the truth. Sometimes my heart is so heavy it is like an anchor, and I am unable to decipher the truth. In these moments, when my heart is incapable of hearing the truth, I ask God to reveal to me the lie I believe. Once the lie has been uncovered, my heart is ready to receive the truth. And so, I ask again. “Holy Spirit, what is the truth?”
Our issues are all different. I don’t know what keeps you awake at night. I don’t know what caused you to build that wall of protection around your heart. I don’t know what triggers those tears, but I do know this: You are loved. You are accepted. You are beautiful. You are thought of and often. People might not always share with you how they feel about you. They may think they don’t need to because they assume you know. Forgive them for not loving you the way you wanted to be loved. Let it go. Whether or not you receive the accolades you desire, your life matters. You are necessary. People notice you. You are not invisible. Jesus loved you so much that He died and rose, so you could have a relationship with His Father. Jesus loved you so much that He wanted you to know that you’re never alone, so He sent Holy Spirit to live inside of you. You are not alone. You are not forgotten. You are not forsaken.
Don’t let the choices of others dictate your actions. Don’t let their actions determine your worth. God told me once that the times when I felt the most rejected, it was really for my protection. Sometimes the words we think, the words we speak, or the words we hear won’t stop the tears. It’s okay to let your tears fall. Sometimes we need to give our heart a bath. Crying scrubs away the dirt and the grime that we receive because no one around us knows how to love perfectly, including us. So, cry. Let it out, and when you’re done take a deep breath, and seek the One who captures those tears in a bottle.