Procrastination. It’s amazing how the motivation to do something comes when you have other things you need to be doing. I should be writing Sunday School material right now. I have a deadline of 13 articles on Monday; however, there is a question that has been plaguing me, “Who are you?” Good question. Who am I?
Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say I am” (Mark 8:29)? Peter received the revelation that Jesus is the Messiah. By the grace of God, I’ve received that revelation too. It’s funny to me that we are able to define others so quickly, and yet unable to define ourselves.
Do we determine our identity by what we do or who we are? I can tell easily tell you what I do, but do my roles define who I am? And if I choose to define myself solely by what I do, am I, by my own admission, disregarding aspects of myself that are the core of who I truly am? How often have we asked ourselves or others, “Are you a Mary or a Martha?” Here’s a question. Do I have to choose? Do I have to be one or the other? What if I don’t want the stereotypical labels that others try to place upon me? What if I just want to be me? What if I threw away all the labels that others use to define me, and instead asked Jesus the same question that He asked His disciples?
“Jesus, who do You say that I am?” What if we spent some time with Jesus, and found out that He defines us much differently than we define ourselves? Oh, how our hearts would be transformed as we learn that our identity is built upon the foundation of His unfailing love toward us! Imagine it! “Jesus, who do You say that I am?” Can you hear Him answer? “Child, you are loved.”
Who are you? You are one who is loved. And this Love, it never fails. It never forsakes. It never leaves you alone. This Love is patient. This Love is kind. This Love keeps no record of your failings or your faults. This Love wants nothing but your love in return. This Love says you’re worthy. This Love is faithful. This Love pushes fear aside. This Love knows your name. This Love knows when you sit and when you rise. This Love calls you fearfully and wonderfully made. This perfect Love wanted you to experience love so much that He stretched out His arms and gave up His life, so that you could live.
We spend too much time trying to figure out who we are and what we are meant to do without understanding that we are infinitely loved. I don’t know if you’ve been struggling with this question. I don’t know if you’ve been asking God what His will is for your life. What I do know is that you are loved beyond imagination.
Whatever you need God to do in your life engulf it in His love for you. That sounds great, Kristin, but how do I do that? What if when a situation arose in our lives, we prayed His Word based upon His love for us? When I need a friend or family member to do something for me, I remind them how much they love me. So what if for example, when we needed finances (we always do, don’t we? LOL), we prayed, “Lord, based upon Your love for me I know that You will supply this need (whatever it is) according to Your riches and glory. Lord, because You love me with an everlasting love I know that You are sending the daughter of Tyre to me with a gift. God, shower down Your love upon me. Overwhelm me with Your love that my enemies see it and are put to shame. Drop a love bomb on me, God! Show Your love toward me in such extravagant ways that people tell my testimony for generations! In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.”