![]() When I started on the journey of learning the meaning of some commonly used words beginning with RE, I never expected it to change me. This is without a doubt, my greatest manuscript yet. I believe that if you allow the Holy Spirit to encourage you through these words, that it will change you too. There are more than 4,000 words in the English language that begin with the letters RE. I have highlighted only 30 of them. My heart is that you don't hear my voice throughout the book, but you hear the voice of God whispering His desire for you and your life. My job is not that of a writer but a scribe. May I have captured the heartbeat of Jesus accurately, and may its sound ring true in your soul. The book is available in full color paperback or Kindle.
![]() Rejoice! We all love to have joy and be glad in heart! But some days it is harder than others to achieve. We’ve heard it said, “It’s a choice to rejoice!” Notice that this is most often said from an extremely happy person to someone who isn’t. Truth be told, I’ve wanted to hang up the phone or throw something at the person who says it to me when I’m just not “there”. Joy is not a light switch. We don’t just turn it on or off on command. Joy is like a geyser that bubbles up within our soul and explodes outward. We can’t force it, but we can ignite it. Joy is a powerful weapon that is often misunderstood. Laughter shifts atmospheres, releases happy chemicals in our brains, and restores our souls. When I struggle with joy, I do a couple of things to stir it up again. 1. I check my thoughts. Is what I’m thinking about full of faith, hope, and love or am I auditioning to be the next Debbie Downer? 2. I choose to bring to remembrance things that make me laugh. I had a roommate that once unknowingly touched a bird. She freaked out so much that she ran smack into the glass door, finally opened it, and proceeded to do laps around the coffee table screaming! It still cracks me up! 3. I think about the people in my life that bring joy to my heart. I think about something they said, they did, or they gave me. These thoughts remind me that I’m loved and cared about. 4. I intentionally search for things that will make me laugh. Tim Hawkins, John Crist, puppies, made up songs from my friends, etc. 5. I drink more coffee. It’s true. There is a comfort found in hot liquids that simply brings a smile to my face. These are just some of the things I do to actively participate in restoring joy to my life. There are a billion other ways, and your personality will determine what works for you. I know you may be shocked that I didn’t list the things I need to be grateful about as my first thing, or that my answers weren’t exceptionally “spiritual”. Gratefulness is awesome, and it DOES bring joy. But sometimes we need non-spiritual solutions. And isn’t it nice to know that it’s okay to be human? Feel free to comment below with ways you stir up joy. ![]() Reapply - we normally think of that as to do something again. However, if our results the first time were not desirable, then we hesitate to repeat that action. But what if God was asking you to reapply your faith in a certain area? What if He is asking you to reapply your hope? What if He is asking you to trust again despite what it looks like, despite the naysayers, despite what your emotions are screaming? In Habakkuk 2, the Lord asked the prophet to write down the vision and make it plain that a messenger can run with it. What’s your vision? What’s your heart’s desire? It’s time to rewrite the vision. It’s time to reapply your faith in written form and avoid vagueness. Make it plain so that anyone (especially the angels of God) who reads it has no doubt of what you are desiring! Reapply. Make a new request or a similar request for a second time. God hasn’t denied the request; He simply wants you to express and know what it is you really want! ![]() In Romans 12, Paul exhorts us to renew our minds daily! “Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete,” (Romans 12:2 Voice). The concept of renewing is much more than simply refreshing something. One of the definitions is to replace. We need to renew our minds daily! We need to replace religious traditions that have been broken or worn out with the actual word of God. We need to replace the lies of the enemy, the incorrect perceptions of God and others, with the truth. As our minds are renewed by knowing the truth, not only will we find lasting freedom, but also we will be able to discern God’s will. How will we be able to do that? Because we will have a greater understanding of who God is, what His character is like, and will be able to recognize truth. When you know the real thing, you’ll never accept a counterfeit. Lord, You are good. Regardless of my circumstances, regardless of my ever-changing emotions, regardless of what other people tell me - You are GOOD! Help me to renew my mind by the truth of Your word today. Help me to stand with the helmet of salvation fitted snuggly on my head, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, with the belt of truth wrapped around my waist, with the shoes of the gospel of peace covering my every step, with the shield of faith lifted up to extinguish every flaming arrow of the enemy, and with the sword of the spirit, the word of God, to cut through every lie, false teaching, and accusation of the enemy towards me. Reveal to me the areas of my beliefs about You that have been infiltrated, broken, or worn down by the attacks of the enemy on my life. Your desire is to give me a future and a hope. Your desire is that I would prosper and be in good health. Your desire is that I would be full of joy and surrounded by love. Your desire is to give me the desires of my heart as I delight myself in You. Your desire is that I would taste and see that You are good! Lord, forgive me for believing wrongly about You. Heal my heart. Reveal Your truth. Renew my mind. In Jesus name. Amen!!! ![]() God wants to rejuvenate you this year! Some of you have been so wearied from the battle that’s been a stretch just to get out of bed in the morning! Not only has your physical body taking hits during the war, your spirit and soul are so tired that it’s difficult to feel joy. I hear the spirit of the Lord saying that He is going to return you to a youthful state! There is a revival coming to your energy levels! Those who wait upon the Lord SHALL renew their strength! They will mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They will walk and not grow faint (Isaiah 40:31). There is fresh vigor, energy, and excitement coming to your soul! Those areas that have become numb from the intensity of the battle are going to feel again! God is going to renew your strength! You are going to feel like living again! You are going to feel alive again! Holy Spirit, we invite You to come and rejuvenate our bodies, souls, and spirits! Ignite a fresh fire within us that will be like the fire in the altar, and never go out! Bring us back to childlike faith. Enable us to see our battles and what you are doing in outer lives from a fresh perspective. Restore our joy! Help us to know that we have the freedom to laugh - and laugh loudly! Strengthen us and protect our hearts through the power of Your joy within us! Let us laugh and dance and raise the flags! Rejuvenate every area within us that has grown weary. You are good! Release a fresh wind to blow off the dead branches where the locusts have eaten. Let us start afresh, renewed, invigorated, and rejuvenated In Jesus name! ![]() Many of the prophets of the Lord have been saying that the Lord is decreeing a season of recompense. We can get so excited over a concept, but have no idea what it actually means. So let this sink in: God is going to make the enemy compensate you for all the suffering and damage you incurred! While I do believe that this is largely related to finances, I also believe that there will be a time for extreme grace in relationships. The enemy will be forced to give you a reprieve from the attack on your relationships. This reprieve will open up the door for restoration and recompense. Your relationships will grow and deepen at accelerated rates. There has been so much warfare and pruning in the last couple of years that it can be difficult to tell the difference. If God pruned you, it was to grow you. If the enemy fought you, it was to destroy you. If you’re still in the battle, lift your sword and shield again! Let the enemy know that though he may have wearied you, he has not overcome you. You will not be defeated as the Angel of the Lord fights on your behalf. You will obtain victory! And when you do: RECOMPENSE! That slithering snake will be forced to repay and compensate you for all the damages you incurred- emotionally, physically, and financially! So, rise up mighty warrior! The battle is the Lords! ![]() Our general concept of reunion is often that once a year gathering of extended family members at a park or a cookout. But what if it’s much more than that? What if reunion is actually taking something that was broken and putting it back together? What if it was finding parts of yourself that you thought were lost and bringing them back into the forefront? What if reunion was more related to healing than cooking? Lord, would You open our hearts to reunite us with the parts of us that wounds or accidents have kept hidden? Would you come defragment our souls and enable a glorious reunion of who we were created to be? Father, to the wounded, bruised, areas of our souls, we choose to forgive those who have hurt us. We forgive people for misunderstanding us and not loving us the way we needed to be loved. Forgive us, God, for misunderstanding others and not loving them the way they needed to be loved. Unity is the cry of Your heart, God! Would You release a spirit of reunion and bring healing and restoration to fractured relationships? Awaken our hearts to hear Your voice, to recognize Your guidance, and to be reunited with You in spirit and in truth. In Jesus name. Amen. ![]() Have you ever noticed how many words begin the letters “RE”? My heart has been illuminating all the re words that I say or hear almost every day. On the Jewish calendar, a new year has just begun. As my roommate, Jeana, and I were praying about the year, we felt the Lord stir us up to look at and define “re” words. Therefore, in the coming days, I will be making lots of posts with “re” words and listening for the heart of God connected to them. Today’s word is RESTORE. The Lord has been speaking a lot that this is a year of restoration. What in your life would you like to see restored? What has the enemy stolen from you that you want back? Is it a relationship? Is it your health? Is it your finances? Or is it something intangible? Is it your confidence? Your dignity? Your worth? Determine what you want restored. Ask the Lord to restore it. Ask Him what steps you need to take to bring about the desired result, then take the first step. We are co-labors with Christ. When you take one step, God will take 10. |
AuthorArmed with a cup of coffee and the word of God, Kristin will encourage you think deeper, laugh harder, and love wholeheartedly. Archives
December 2018
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